Bona Pure Colour – Recoating System

We call it Recoating, you could call it a brand new floor. Recoating following the Bona Care Program offers the most powerful, effective recoating process for resilient surfaces. Preparation using Bona FlexiSand with our high performance Bona Diamond Abrasives, enables you to achieve the optimal prepared surface in no time, ready for restoration or even a complete redesign.


Transform worn floors

Add a recoat of Bona Pure lacquer over the top for protection and durability and you’ve got a new floor that’s ready for any challenge. To save time, downtime and costs, do it the Right Way, do it the Bona way.

Change the look and colour

For sports floors, design effects or creative looks, our Bona Care Program enables you to add signs, symbols or even change the colour of your resilient surface. With a complete range of RAL/NCS colours and Bona’s Creative Chips, the design possibilities are endless.

50% Less Downtime –  Saving Time and Money

When replacing the 300m2 linoleum floor of a children’s kindergarten in Germany, the demands were a safe, healthy environment that would be ready for action after a weekend. Instead of a traditional method, which involves removal of the old floor, sanding of the subfloor, priming, levelling and finally installation and welding of the floor, which would take
3 professional floor contractors 6 days, the Bona Recoating method took just 3 days. This resulted in savings, not only on downtime, but also on costs with the reduction of man hours from 144 to just 72 hours.

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